Sunday, January 27, 2013

12 weeks

He is growing fast and all played out!

Monday, January 14, 2013

10 weeks

Prince is a sweetie-he loves to play and chew everything! He is a bit of a scaredy cat-he jumps at any loud sound outside and high tails it to the door. He is great with the girls and has found his favorite sleeping spot is under the couch and bed,but he wot fit in those places much longer!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday mornig

We attended Redeemer Presbyterian Church (Tim Keller) this morning & went to the Guggenheim. Now we are at La Guardia waiting to go home. We have enjoyed out trip so much but we are anxious to see the girls!!

NYC Saturday Night

Last night we went on a cruise around Battery Park, Ellis Island, & The Brooklyn Bridge. It was cold, but we really enjoyed the cruise at sunset. After that we went back to Times Square to eat pizza, buy some souvenirs at the Disney Store, got some cheesecake from Juniors (so good)!

Saturday afternoon

We went to the Museum of Biblical Art at the American Bible Society. They had an exhibit of works by Tiffany-they were breathtaking!

NYC Saturday

Saturday morning we went to a flea market in Chelsea & then to the Museum of Natural History. We saw lots of really neat things-they had some exhibits that made us feel like we were in the refuge in Tish. We then ate lunch at Time Warner in the Rose Lounge-it had a beautiful view o the city!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

NYC Friday Night

Last night we went to see Nice Work If You Can Get It with Matthew Broderick. It was fantastic! I loves every minute of it!

Sara 🎄

Friday, January 4, 2013

NYC The Met

Late afternoon at the met with Faberge & Matisse! We made a long walk (or hike) across Central Park. Note: in the winter Central Park resembles Oklahoma (ha).


Agapanthus by Monet one of my new favorites

More MoMA

Water lilies

NYC Friday Morning

We went to Chelsea Market for breakfast and came to MoMA (The Museum of Modern Art). One of my favorites...Starry Night

NYC Thursday Night

We ate some fresh mozzarella & it was wonderful-ill never be satisfied with anything from Wal-Mart again!

Thursday night

The cheese at Eataly...

NYC Thursday Night

Tonight we went to Mario Batali's Eataly. It was a huge market with fresh fish,cheese, breads, pastries, dry goods, produce, gilato, chocolates & everything Italian! It had 5 different restaurants.

NYC Thursday morning

This morning we ate some crepes for breakfast & toured St. John the Divine. We then went to Broadway, walked around Times Square & went to the David Letterman Show-he had Regis as a guest & some band we had never heard of. The CBS orchestra & Paul Shaffer were amazing-they played during commercial breaks. The CBS pages were all very high energy and must have all been former cheerleaders-they wore us out!

NYC Wed Evening

We went to the Empire State Building-it was surreal. I didn't feel as if I were standing on top of that huge building, I felt like I was looking at a picture. However surreal it was the chilling wind brought me quickly back to reality!! We then topped off the night with some time at Rockafellar Plaza and the enormous Christmas tree-it was beautiful!


We started out the day by going to Bryant Park, NYC library, Grand Central Station & Macy's. Luke let me shop for shoes but my goal was to find a Christmas item from Macy's & I did!! Bryant Park was charming-lots of little shops, restraints and an ice skating rink. It was cold!!