Monday, December 15, 2008


Fall brought on a plague of leaves in our yard. You couldn't even tell we had grass under it all, but Hannah had fun playing in them! Luke did NOT have fun cleaning it all up (and the gutters were full too).

Last Saturday we went to the Muskogee Christmas parade-it was fun! This week Hannah & I have both been sick (go figure).
Christmas is just around the corner and we are excited about it! Christmas is my favorite time of year & I always think it's over too early. I think Thanksgiving should be in October-let's cancel Halloween:)

Hannah is talking up a storm & she is so much fun. She is such a sweet girl & so beautiful. We are having fun watching her grow. Tonight we hope to go caroling with our church (weather permitting) at the nursing home. I'm trying to get all of my Christmas card & presents in the mail today, so I'd better run!

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